20 Tips To Help You Be More Effective At Saab Ignition Key Replacement
Saab Key Programming
Saab cars made since 1994 come with an immobilizer system built on coded keys. In order to add a second key, it requires an entirely new transponder and programming. This is usually done at the dealer, using a specially-designed Tech2 diagnostic tool.
The issue is that this can be very expensive. This is why you should always have a spare key at hand.
Transponder key
The transponder key is a piece of hardware equipped with an electronic chip. It transmits a signal to the car when it is placed in the ignition. The car will then check the signal to determine if it matches the one on the key. If the signals are in sync, the car will open and start. This is a great method to prevent auto theft and keep your car safe from thieves.
Transponder keys are a favored feature in vehicles, but you should be aware they're not as secure as classic keys made of metal. The metal part of the traditional keys can be easily cut and copied, however transponders have an electronic chip which protects it. This chip contains an individual code that is programmed into the car's computers to identify it.
The car will recognize the Saab keyfob, and allow it to be turned on. The car will only recognize the key fob if it has an unmodified chip and has been programmed to match. The car will not start in the event that the key is not programmed to match.
It is important to have a spare Saab key. This is particularly true especially if you live in a rural region that has numerous car thieves. You can purchase a new key for your Saab by going to the dealership without paying expensive prices. In most cases, you can have a new key created on-the-spot for less than half the cost you'd pay at a dealer.
Wired key
Saab cars usually come with two keys upon purchase. If you only have one, it is a good idea to get an additional key fob as quickly as you can, because if you lose it, the car will require the replacement of a CIM unit and the locking cylinders have to be replaced. This can be costly, especially if you are buying a second-hand car.
The next step is to connect the wires for columns and rows to your microcontroller. This is the most challenging part of the project and will require a good amount of soldering. There's no standard way to go about it, but you need to determine how to connect and solder each column and row. There are 22 microcontroller wires and pins that you can connect to this keyboard. It includes 5 rows and 17 columns.
After the columns and rows are soldered together, it is time to connect the key switches. Solder a diode to each key switch pin. This will shield the pins from current, thus preventing them from getting shorted. A diode lets current only flow in only one direction. It features a visual indicator that is black, that shows the direction in which the current will flow.
Some of the tools offered at auto parts storeslike the Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro and IM508 -- could help customers in the shop, or even DIY customers in certain cases create replacement keys and restore lost immobilizer information, Sanabria says. The tools connect to OBD ports and help the customer through each step which makes the process much easier than replacing the car's computer.
Jump starting the battery
A majority of people keep the set in their trunk to jump-start their vehicle in an emergency, but it might not be a good option for vehicles with newer technology. These vehicles are equipped with a number of digital and electronic devices that communicate with each other. A voltage spike when the battery is connected to another one could damage these components and leave your vehicle undriveable.
Connect the cables to the vehicle that is operating. Let it run for two minutes. Attach the red clip on the positive terminal of the battery that's good. (It will say "POS" or "+".) Attach the other end of the black cable to an unpainted, clean metal surface under the disabled vehicle's hood. An engine block is a good option. Do not connect the black cable to the negative terminal on the dead battery as this could trigger a spark that ignites the gasoline in the engine bay.
Once the cables are connected, start the vehicle you are not using and let it run for approximately five minutes before disconnecting the cables in reverse order. The battery in the Saab 9-3 will charge while you drive. It may take a while it to fall back. It is recommended to purchase a second key fob, as soon as you can. Replacing the one that works requires the installation and programming of a brand new computer chip.
Replacement Case
Saab owners usually have only one car key, and if that is lost, they'll be charged. It's expensive to buy keys and will require replacing the CIM or TWICE for older models. In the event of theft, or any other catastrophe it is recommended to have a spare key. Don't purchase a used key even it's "new." Claimed-new keys from aftermarket sellers will not be effective and are almost guaranteed to fail at the critical moment.

The dealer will charge you the most expensive dollar if you only have one working key. We can reset and reprogram the computer's EEEPROM to get it ready to accept a new key without replacing the entire system. This could help you save a significant amount of money. saab key fob replacement affordable rather than wait until you lose your only key.